Thursday, December 16, 2010

Faces of Watergate

The Washington post the only news orgnization that ran with the watergate story.
photo providied by the ny times
from left to Right Katherine Graham, Carl Bernstein,Bob Woodward and Ben Bradlee
 the key players and guilty Parties in Watergate. the conspiracy, and the conspirators  the threats to democracy

File:Nixon Resignation Letter.jpg

Nixons Resigantion letter to Henry Kissenger Secretary of State.
Richard Nixon announcing his resignation to the country.
 President Nixon announces his resignation to the country effective 12 noon August the 8th,1974

Front Page Image
headline from the new york times

H.R Halderman Nixon Chief of Staff one of many white house offcials implicated and convicted has a result of there invlvovemnt in the watergate scandal

Rose Mary Woods, President Richard M. Nixon’s personal secretary, demonstrating in 1973 how she might have accidentally erased parts of the president’s tapes. Provided byNYtimes

Richard Nixon's Resignation Speech (Part 1 of 2)

The President and the Press - Part 3

The President and the Press - Part 2

The President and the Press - Part 1

The Legacy of watergate

 the ultimate legacy of watergate is a reminder of why our nation needs a free press
 President kennedy will in three video above this post will explain the important role
that the press plays in our society and our country. it is the most important tradition
that has preserverd our nations democratic exsistence. It is the freedom Thomas Paine
worte about when he wrote common snese to spur the colonists to act and claim there
independence, it is the freedom Elijah Lovegood died for in the hopes that a nation would
realize that if any of us is enslaved then we are therefore not free. it is the hope that Susan B Anthony and
Elizibeth Cady Stanton marched for when they fought for the right of women to vote, it is the light in the night that exposed the corruption and the wrongs of a president. It is the spirit and lifeblood that is the cornerstone of American Democracy be it that the press is the only business protected by the Constitituion. Let it be written that this is the only thing that has kept our nation free the fact that all people are provided with information that allows them to be free and self governing thus making man free and independent. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


  Video on Watergate provided by National Geographic on youtube